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A New Collaboration.

Collaboration Network

At True Service, we are committed to building healing communities. We believe that restorative justice is the key to long-term, sustainable healing, and we work tirelessly to create pathways for individuals and communities to access these resources. Our work is about bringing people together, bridging gaps, and finding solutions that create true change.

As advocates, we understand that our government has a responsibility to help prisoners return as contributing members of their communities. However, we recognize that the government does not have all the answers. That's where True Service comes in. We provide a faith-based approach to Restorative Justice services that fill in the gaps in the government's offerings. We use a collaborative, person-centered approach to support returning citizens, victims, and their families, as they navigate the challenges of the justice system. Our goal is to help everyone involved find closure and move forward in a positive direction.

We understand the importance of balancing justice with mercy. Our Partnership and Referral Services offer a collaborative approach to family reunification and rehabilitation. We work closely with you to evaluate your unique situation and develop a personalized plan to help you achieve your goals. Trust us to provide the direction and support you need to overcome adversity.

If you or someone you know needs help navigating the challenges of re-entering society after incarceration, True Service is here to help. Our restorative justice program is designed to help former prisoners make a successful transition to a productive and fulfilling life. Don't hesitate to get in touch to learn more about what we can do for you.

Session in Progress



I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to True Service for their unwavering support and dedication in advocating for my early release from federal prison. Thanks to their tireless efforts, I was granted a compassionate release and was able to go home for Christmas, a moment that will forever be etched in my memory.


When I was struggling to find my way back into society after being incarcerated, True Service was there for me. They helped me find a job and get back on my feet. Their restorative justice program gave me the chance to make amends for my past, and learn how to build a brighter future for myself. I can't thank them enough for the support they provided and the lessons they taught me.


Words can't express how grateful I am for the support and mentorship I received from True Service. They helped me gain stability and find a path forward when I didn't know where to turn. I will forever be thankful for their commitment to restorative justice.

Join Us

At Stations of Hope, we offer a unique approach to restorative justice by partnering with churches to serve as healing and teaching refuges. Our goal is to offer a renewed vision for returning citizens and their families, as well as the communities they are a part of. We believe in creating a supportive environment that focuses on redemption and restoration. Stations of Hope serves as a beacon of hope for returning citizens by providing a comprehensive restorative justice program. Our church-based approach focuses on healing and teaching, with the goal of creating a renewed vision for returning citizens, their families, and communities. Join us on our mission to make this world a better place, one person at a time.

Stations of Hope

Q: What is True Service?
A: True Service is a program that provides restorative justice services to individuals who are coming home unprepared from prison for up to a year after their release. We offer a range of services to help pave the way to successful reentry, including mentorship, job training, counseling, and transitional housing and referral services.

Q: How can True Service help me after I get out of prison?
A: True Service can help you successfully transition back into society after your release by providing you with personalized support and resources. Our mentorship program can help connect you with a supportive community and our job training program can help you gain the skills you need to secure employment.

Q: How can True Service benefit my community?
A: True Service benefits the community by providing resources to help individuals successfully reintegrate back into society, reducing the likelihood of reoffending.

Q: What services does True Service offer?    
A: True Service offers a range of services, including restorative justice programming, workforce development services, and educational programs.    
Q: How does True Service help with workforce development?    
A: True Service offers workforce development services, including job training and apprenticeships, to help individuals gain the skills and experience they need to find employment and support themselves.    
Q: How can I get involved with True Service?    
A: You can get involved with True Service by volunteering your time or resources or by collaborating with us on programs and initiatives.

Q: What is True Service?    
A: True Service is a restorative justice organization that works to empower formerly incarcerated individuals and their families through education, advocacy, and support. Our mission is to promote healing, transformation, and social justice in our communities.    
Q: What are the benefits of restorative justice?    
A: Restorative justice focuses on repairing harm and building relationships, rather than punishing individuals. By taking a more holistic approach to justice, restorative justice can lead to better outcomes for victims, offenders, and the community as a whole.    

Q: What are the Stations of Hope?       

A: The Stations of Hope are churches that serve as healing and teaching refuges for formerly incarcerated individuals and their families. These churches offer a renewed vision for returning citizens and their communities, providing support and resources to help them thrive.

Q: How can True Service help my church?    
A: True Service works to promote healing and transformation in communities impacted by the criminal justice system. By supporting formerly incarcerated individuals and their families, we are helping to build stronger, more resilient communities. Contact us to learn more about how we can help your community.

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